
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dreaming at serenity

She sits there on the chair, watching the clock,counting seconds ,questioning her own existence,questioning the meaning of life.Gazing at eternity.
She felt like suffocating ,like she must get out of that place,like she has to stop those voices .Started walking,it felt better,but still cold.Memories overtaking her,trying to face them,but  thoughts are so hard to conceive.Everything changes,just  like clouds in the sky.
She thought that she might need a hug,that type of hug that makes you feel protected ,accepted and loved.Or does it exist ,would anyone give it to her?But there wasn't anyone around..In the distance you could see the blue sky.She thought that she could get out of the dark if she walks that way.She panicked and started running.Faster and faster.But her legs couldn't help her anymore and she felt down.There wasn't anyone to help her get up from the ground .She felt the wind embracing her,and the sky crying his heart out.They are both cold,just like her ,like her soul .

for this entry I prefered using "she" better than "I".I just felt like it's better that way.Hmm,am I contemplating phrases ?I'm lost into my own words..

I guess I like this song,it's really good.


  1. "She" reminds me of me.
    Parece que nunca podemos encontrar a esa persona que vea más allá y se dé cuenta que necesitamos un abrazo... Tal vez en un futuro aparezca, no?
    Un abrazo grande <3

  2. "She panicked and started running.Faster and faster.But her legs couldn't help her anymore and she felt down.There wasn't anyone to help her get up from the ground " amé eso :)
    Realmente linda la cancion, me identifique u.u
    Un beo enorme♥

  3. genial entrada! Great Blog! take Care
